Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our First Place

When I met Rod while in college, it did not take us long to decide that were wanted to marry(8 months to be exact).  But we would have to leave our cozy dorm rooms and find a place to share together! God, who was drawing us to Himself, knew that we did not have a clue how to find an affordable place.  Instead He used Rod's Christian roommate,Will.  Will went to get a haircut at the local barber.  Marines have to keep it short even in college. It just so happened that the barber had this great trailer on his property. He and his wife no longer farmed, but his son farmed the land.  They did however keep a pen full of sheep. We could watch the sheep from our kitchen window.  I remember how jumpy they were.  When they heard a loud voice, they all raced to the opposite side of the pen.  I have remembered this picture many times in my Christian life when I find myself in the middle to a pack of believers running from something unknown.  I am then reminded that my Shepherd has my safety well under control.   

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Memory from 1970

I was thinking about the Sign Post for Troy. We were married in September of 1970 just before the fall semester started at the University of Idaho. Troy is a small farm community about 7 miles away from the University and I (Rod) had found this cozy little place on a farm. It was a 10 x 70 foot (yep, that's 700 sq. ft.)trailer house and we set up housekeeping as husband and wife there. It was a sweet place to live and we felt like real grown up people. Since I had been raised on a farm, I felt very much at home there. I was 19 and my sweet beautiful wife was...I'll just say a little older than me!  We were able to live in this lovely little house for just under one year. Plans changed for Chris's schooling and we had to head south to Boise, Idaho by June of 1971.  While we have very fond memories of our first year as married people, the best thing that happened to us during that first year was our coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ. We had acually met at a little Baptist church in Moscow, Idaho because my roomate and Chris's roomate took us to church with them there. We kept going as a young married couple and the church people took us in so to speak and loved us and were very kind to us. Our Pastor there was named Bendon Ginn. He and his wife Dot were very patient with us and always treated us like someone very special to them. I often think of them and marvel that God put such nice people in our path to help us come to know Him.  In the spring of 1971, we went to a revival service there and both of us, at the same time, realized we were "religious," but we had never personally asked Jesus to forgive us of our sins. So we did!  We were baptized a short time later and then by June we had to leave these very wonderful people and headed off for a great adventure. I didn't know it at the time, but I found out that following the Lord is quite an exciting life. My current pastor once said to me, "once you've tried supernatural you will never want to go back!"  He of course meant the spiritual life (which is supernatural) we have in following the Lord. And it is true. I have never wanted to go back and The Lord has done many miraculous things in our lives ever since. He continues to do so even today.  More adventures later.    

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Every Place

Welcome to our blog.  It is already fun to know that we will have a way to share our lives with you.  Hopefully you will see us try new things right before your eyes--like pictures on the blog.
We hope to share some of the triumphs that the Lord did in each of these places where we have lived.  The purpose is two-fold: to brag on Him, and to record our blessing before we forget!  Hope you enjoy the journey. Signed, the wife

The First Time Blogger

Well, here I am the first time on our own blog.  Thanks to Lauren Casper who did a great job of interpreting our desires for the site.  Perhaps you are wondering about the sign posts and the names on them. Well, these are all of the places we have lived since we were married in 1970! Ladies, it is ok if you are groaning in sympathy to my dear wife.  Yes, she has willingly followed me to all of these places over the years. She has "packing to move" down to a science and she can do the whole house in about 8 hours.  Many of these moves were for preference. We wanted a different house, or a bigger house, or a house in town, or a house in the country etc. The BIG move was from Idaho to Virginia in 1987. Fortunately, that one was done by professional movers as the company I was working for transferred us here at their expense. It was a great adventure.  It is staggering to know that we have lived in the Tidewater area now for 24 years. This is home!  More to come.